SOS Human Rights And SOS Freedom Of The Press

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SOS Human Rights And SOS Freedom of The Press

London. January 30, 2011. (and). For not known reasons the publisher, journalists, reporters and correspondents of British Newsflash Magazine, Radio TV Liberty, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty (since 1986) and Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters are UNDER MASSIVE ATTACKS since January 24, 2011. British Newsflash Magazine is operating under EMERGENCY CONDITIONS at this time! More news and reports will be issued as soon as possible. People are witnesses and the Lord our G-D is witness of the things ongoing at this time ! We are reporting from London in the United Kingdom, Germany and other locations which are for SECURITY REASONS not named !

Andreas Klamm – Sabaot, Tunisian-French-German journalist, broadcast journalist, reporter, author, publisher, TV producer and radio producer since 1984
More information will be available on and as soon as possible.
Andreas Klamm – Sabaot, Tunisisan-French-German journalist, brodcast journalist, Human Rights Activist and Defender, author of 9 books published, founder and managing director of British Newsflash Magazine (published since 1986). Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters ( since 2006, ), Radio TV IBS IBS Liberty, IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, ( since 1986, ), a Member of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), and Human Rights Leaders for Obama,, January 30, 2011.
British Newsflash Magazine / Radio TV IBS Liberty
Andreas Klamm – Sabaot, Journalist
P.O. BOX 11 13
D 67137 Neuhofen
Mobile Tel. 0049 178 817 2114
Tel. 0049 6236 416 802

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