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Andreas Klamm (Sabaot)
Update vom 18. Dezember 2015 – Krankheit und Behinderung
Dezember 2015
Achtung ! Wegen schwerer Krankheit musste ich alle Reisen für Vorträge für den Dezember 2015 leider absagen und verschieben !
Meine Hoffnung ist es, dass es mir auch mit Hilfe des Rollstuhls und mit Hilfe meiner Pflege-Assistenz-Hündin in Ausbildung, Ayla von der Hardt, möglich sein wird, ab März 2016 Termine für Vortrags-Reisen und für die Vorstellung meiner insgesamt nunmehr 11 veröffentlichten Bücher bieten zu können.
Krankheit und Behinderung machen leider nicht nur das private Leben, sondern auch das berufliche Leben etwas schwerer.
Dennoch freue ich mich auf Ihre Anfragen. Wer Termine für Vortrags-Reisen und für die Buch-Vorstellungen von mir buchen möchte, ist herzlich eingeladen, Tel. 0621 5867 8054 anzurufen und einen Termin zu vereinbaren.
Andreas Klamm (Sabaot), Journalist, Autor, Schriftsteller
Ludwigshafen am Rhein, 18. Dezember 2015.
Andreas Klamm (Sabaot) bei Aufnahmen für eine Radio- und Fernseh-Sendung.
Andreas_Klamm_Journalist_2 ayla_andreas_3
Public Declaration Of Status of Emergency
UPDATE on February 23, 2011
First declared and published on February 5, 2011
Second declared and published on February 10, 2011
London / New York City. February 5, 2011. Because of torture, death threats, threats, continuing murder attempts and massive attacks against our reporters, journalists, correspondents, publisher authors, TV producers and radio producers, nurses and paramedics, Human Rights Defenders, and co-operating sources, Radio TV IBS Liberty, British Newsflash Magazine, Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters, Regionalhilfe.de and Grace MedCare Ltd. London, MEDIA, MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE Services international need HEREBY TO DECLARE THE STATUS EMERGENCY since 0900 GMT on February 5, 2011 worldwide.

We need to call for any kind of force which might have to be provided in the case of DEFENSE and Emergency Medical Services under massive and violent attacks and continuing murder attempts.
A special message to the GERMAN GOVERNMENT: PLEASE DO UNDERSTAND that we are not able to accept the suppression and continuing murder attempts. Also our founder and publisher the Tunisian-French-German journalist, broadcast journalist and author Andreas Klamm, also known as Andreas Klamm-Sabaot which is an African-European citizen and journalist is not able to accept any kind of ideology that supports of the idea or ideology of Fascism or the ideology of Nazis. The Government of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the President of the United States of America, President Barack Hussein Obama has been HEREBY notified, again.
It is known worldwide in the public that the Tunisian-French-German journalist Andreas Klamm – Sabaot is in OPPOSITION to the ideology of Fascism and Nazism as forced by the Nazi Party. We demand the guarantee to ensure human dignity, human rights, freedom of the press, freedom of the media and do call for an immediate END of violence, attacks and torture, violations and abuses against universal human rights and human dignity. Certainly we will keep PEACE but we are not able to allow massive attacks, murder attempts, violations and abuses against UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS without taking any kind of action of DEFENSE and to call for DEFENSE. Andreas Klamm – Sabaot has demanded already in 2007 and 2009 with the Government of FRANCE, the Government of the United Kingdom and Government of the United States of America A CHANGE of citizenship. Andreas Klamm – Sabaot has not changed his mind and still demands the CHANGE OF CITIZENSHIP according to ARTICLE 15 of the UNIVERSAL DELCARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. The entire UNIVERSAL Declaration of the Human Rights can be found on Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters, www.libertyandpeacenow.org/humanrights.htm .
Media Contact and further information:
Radio TV IBS Liberty
Andreas Klamm-Sabaot
P.O. BOX 1113
D 67137 Neuhofen
Tel. 0049 178 817 2114
email: kontakt@radiotvinfo.org
email: andreasklamm@hotmail.com
email: cvd@ibstelevision.org